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Updated April 2, 2019

Paul McCartney - Figure Of Eight / This One (Club Lovejoys Mix) (Parlophone 12R 6235) − logo

 Label (Company)
Parlophone Records
12" maxi-single
 Number of records
 Catalogue number
12R 6246
 Catalogue number of side A
12R 6246A
 Catalogue number of side B
12R 6246B
 Matrix number of side A
12 R 6246 A-1-1-2   SRZ ABBEY RD        D   [machine stamped]
 Matrix number of side B
12 R 6246BB-1-1-1-2                       D   [machine stamped]
 Mono or Stereo
 Rotation speed, rpm
 Re-release date
February 5, 1990

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Paul McCartney - Figure Of Eight / This One (Club Lovejoys Mix) (Parlophone 12R 6235) – cover   Paul McCartney - Figure Of Eight / This One (Club Lovejoys Mix) (Parlophone 12R 6235) – back cover




Back cover

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Paul McCartney - Figure Of Eight / This One (Club Lovejoys Mix) (Parlophone 12R 6235) – side A   Paul McCartney - Figure Of Eight / This One (Club Lovejoys Mix) (Parlophone 12R 6235) – side B

Side A

Сторона A


Side B

Сторона B



Title and authors




 Put It There (McCartney)


 Taken from the album 'Flowers In The Dirt'.


 Mama's Little Girl (McCartney)


 Paul McCartney and Wings.



Title and authors




 Same Time Next Year (McCartney)


 Paul McCartney and Wings.


Drawing by Paul McCartney.
Mastered by SRZ (Steve Rooke).
Photography by Richard Haughton.
Sleeve Notes – Geoff Baker.

In the matrix SRZ ABBEY RD is handwritten. Steve Rooke is mastering and lacquer cutting engineer from London (UK).

On the side 2 two letters are mistakenly knocked out in a row in the matrix number (the second is B or X). The second letter is crossed out.

Text from Jeff Baker on the back of the sleeve:

It was the Parisians who started it - back in October of '89.
At first yon thought "ЮWhat the hell are THEY doing?"
as, down on the floor of the Palais Omnisports, Bercy,
the girls were grabbing partners and bopping to 'Put It There'

This was a new one on a bunch of us.
Up until Paris, the European fans had kind
of swayed their heads, tapped their feet a bit.
     But not danced.

So they're thinking, these French, you're thinking,
they're thinking it's a disco song. But it ain't. Is it?
Maybe it is; they thought so in Madrid and Milan and Rome.
     They danced to it there too.

But it had started as a ditty Paul had done about his Dad;
just something Mr. McCartney used to say when Paid was
a nipper with a troubled brow - "Put it there, son".
he'd say, holding out Iris hand, "put it there, if it weighs a ton".
     Sort of like a problem shared, I guess.
     Sort of "Help? You've got somebody".

Anyway, I've seen the song bopped to now. I've seen it choke
Paul on stage, as he remembers his dear old dad. I've seen
grown men in Chicago clasp their young sons to them as
Paul sings it, rocking them tenderly. It's a dance song.
     And for sons. And it'll get you. In the end.

                                                       GEOFF BAKER

Paul McCartney – Hope For The Future (Hear Music HRM-36718-01) - sticker on front cover
Additional information on the back of the sleeve

Дополнительная информация с обратной стороны конверта


Данные издания приведены в английской части текста.

В матричном номере SRZ ABBEY RD выгравировано вручную - клеймо инженера Стива Рука (SRZ) из Лондона (Великобритания), который осуществил мастеринг и нарезку лакового диска.

На второй стороне ошибочно в матричном номере выбиты подряд две буквы (вторая B или Х). Вторая буква зачёркнута.

Текст от Джеффа Бейкера с обратной стороны конверта приведен в англоязычной части примечания.

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